Technical & Engineering English


This is a huge area of English language training. Germany is the market leader and powerhouse behind engineering design and innovation. That is why, to maintain the German global presence, your teams need Professional English for Engineers. These courses are built around your specific industry. covers everything for component descriptions, design, dimensions and specifications, locating & setting out, tools on the shop-floor, assembly, troubleshooting and maintenance, material properties, Health & Safety, comparing & contrasting, cause & effect, vocabulary for business trips with small talk, telephoning, emails, production processes, visitors to the shop-floor, numbers and figures, area & mass, machining, moving parts, material testing and breaking points, 2 & 3 D shapes...the list is endless!

You don't need all of that, or you need more? No problem...the important note here is to remember that the course is tailor-made for your needs!

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